Sitting in the snack shop across the street eating a nutella crepe while I share some pictures. . . too bad I can't share the crepe, too (for you, anyway). The first picture is the street near our apartment. That's the bell tower of Saint-Sauveur. The picture was taken about five feet from where I'm sitting. We spend a lot of time here.
This crepe is really good.
The second picture is part of the old town walls of Aix. This tower was built during the hundred years' war against England, to protect the town from roving groups of soldiers who had gone AWOL.
The third picture needs a little more explanation. It's a door across the street from my school, and I took a picture of it because it's completely unremarkable. It falls right in the middle of the spectrum of cool doors in Aix. It's actually pretty boring, as doors here go. So, if this is boring, imagine how cool the cool doors are.
Julia, eres una autora Y fotografa magnifica! Me da tanto gusto leer tus pensamientos, cuentitos, y experiencias. Debo escribirte mas, pero mis historias no comparan con las tuyas...todavia vivo en Harrisburg! Tal vez nos puedamos mudar a France tambien!